Wine & Craft- Thanksgiving Wine Bottle Centerpiece

It's our November craft and we are excited to show you how our creativity flows as we drink wine. We were actually drinking a Riesling as we crafted.

Thanksgiving will be so untraditional this year as many of us celebrate virtually. This is the perfect craft to create as you quarantine, drink wine, and eat sweet potato pie!

We bought all our supplies at Hobby Lobby. 

Here is our supply list! 

Acrylic Paint - (Colors: Burnt Sienna, Terra-Cotta, Glitter Paint)

Fall flower arrangements

A fall table runner

Cute fabric bowties for the neck of the bottles

Potpourri with dried fruits & pine cones

Artist Sponge to create a sponge look with your paints

Stencils (Our stencils say hope, faith, & give)

A white paint sharpie

Wood disk for coasters

Twine if you want to wrap your bottle as shown in the photo above

Side Note: We picked up a Wickology Candle!! OMG it will have your entire hour smelling so glorious!

Let's Get Started!! 
Remember you can design your bottles anyway you choose! 
Our philosophy is to WINE & CREATE!

1.  First soak your bottles in warm soapy water for about 10 minutes and then use a scraper or sharp object to scrap the paper off. *If you have more time, soak them over night in warm soapy water and a tablespoon of baking soda. The paper will come right off the next morning.

2. Next, start painting your bottles with 2 coats of paint. Make sure the bottles are completely dry. You can use a traditional paint brush or the sponge brushes to create a different look on the bottles. 

3. Once your bottles are dry, use the glitter paint as the last coat to make your bottles sparkle. Of course this is optional. 

4. Next add your stencil work. Using the paint sharpie is the best and most precise way!

5. The last step is to add your bows with a hot glue gun and arrange your flowers. 

Now arrange your tablescape on the table runner. Add potpourri, leaves, and candles. 

- If you want to wrap your bottles with the twine, start at the top of the bottle. Hot glue a piece of the twine at the top of bottle to hold it in place. Now start wrapping the bottle tightly until you get to the bottom of the bottle. This does take patience! Hot glue the last piece at the bottom. 

We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving, filled with lots of wine, food, and blessings. Even if we are not sitting next to our loved ones by the dinner table, let's be thankful for all the blessings we do have in our life. We are thankful for all of our wine friends.

Hey exciting news, we have a brand new website and now sell wine apparel and accessories. We are slowly moving our blog over to the new site. Shop Now! Featured above is our Unisex Adult Decisions Sweatshirt. Featured below is our Women's V-Neck T-Shirt & Wine Charms Gift Set!


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