Dream Big with a Vision Board Wine Party

As the year comes to an end, we begin to reflect on what we did and did not do and what we want to accomplish in the new year. We are embarking on a new decade, 2020, and many of us are looking back at the last 10 years. We all had happy and sad moments, regrets, accomplishments, and for many the last 10 years may be a blur. 

We wanted to start the new decade differently. Instead of just writing down our new year's resolutions, we decided to create a vision or dream board. What is a vision board? A vision board is collage of images, affirmations, and pictures of one's dreams and goals used to motivate and inspire. It's been proven that the more you look at something or say your affirmations out loud, you psychologically start to believe it. 

There is no rules to a vision board. It is what you want it to be. Remember, it's your dreams! Whether you want to run a marathon, buy a house, become a better parent, learn to bake a cake, lose 10 pounds, eat better, start a new hobby, build a stronger marriage, travel, get a pet, start a blog, or start a family... put it on the board! 

What Do You Need?

1. Cork Board or Poster Board (have each guest bring their own)
2. Magazines, Newspapers, or Print Outs 
3. Scrapbook Stickers
4. Thumb Tacks or Push Pins
5. Glue Sticks & Hot Glue Gun
6. Markers
7. Other Fun Stuff (feathers, jewels, ribbon, glitter paper, etc)
8. Wine!!!!!!

(Remember to tell your guests to bring supplies, for example, scissors, glue, magazines and crafty stuff).

As each person starts to visualize their board and the glasses of wine are poured, conversations begin about goals and dreams. As you're looking through the magazines, you may see an image or a saying that another person is looking for or fits them! It's very refreshing and positive and we got excited about the upcoming year!

We had a wonderful time putting together our vision boards and we just realized the wine we were drinking was called Dream 7 Moscato! This was totally a coincidence and we just noticed it as we were writing the story. Funny how the universe works! 

Make sure to find a place in your home or office to hang the vision board, so you can see it everyday and constantly be reminded of all that you want to do!

We wish everyone a happy new year filled with big dreams and of course wine!


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