Labor Day... Wear All White and Drink White Wine

It's officially Labor Day and the holiday is special and significant in a few important ways. 

Number one, us working Americans are celebrated for our contributions to society. We keep America thriving with our hard work and dedication. Plus, we live for our 3 day weekends where we can drink more wine and have an extra day to sleep it off.

Number two, it's officially the end of summer, our big summer farewell party. Labor day is hosts to
parades, barbeques, family road trips, and pool parties all across the country. We sure know how to celebrate, and what better way to celebrate than with a good wine. Do you have your wine selections on deck for the weekend?

And lastly, Labor Day is the last day to wear white, or is it? Historians believe the no white after Labor Day began in the early 20th century when people needed lighter clothes and colors in the summer months. There were no air conditioners and it was how they kept cool. Fortunately, we have air and times have changed. The rule now is to wear what makes you feel good. As long as there is white wine after Labor Day, we are good!

The photos throughout the story are from the amazing white party that took place at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL. Our friends @leolaroyston & @sarandunmore attended the French-inspired Diner En Blanc, a worldwide event that originated in Paris France expanding six continents. All guests are required to wear white, decorate their table, and provide food and drinks. The location is a secret until the day of and you have to be one of the lucky ones to score tickets.

The committees in each city secure the locations and entertainment. The sea of white is absolutely gorgeous, especially the beautiful table-scapes. To find out if your city is hosting a Diner En Blanc, head on over to their website, We also suggest clicking on the hashtag #DinerEnBlanc on Instagram to see all the fabulous photos from around the world.

Host your very own Diner En Blanc, on a smaller scale, at home this Labor Day. Invite a few friends, wear white attire, decorate the kitchen table, provide a few hor d'oeuvers, and have the guests supply the wine. Our friend @leolaroyston suggests sipping on Dry Creek's Fume Blanc, a sauvignon blanc with notes of citrus and granny smith apples. The play of the name adds to the theme and the wine pairs well with most dishes.

If you enjoyed his story, please share and follow us on Instagram & Twitter.     


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