Wine Cocktails for Dad

Model: Buttonz

Father's Day is the day to celebrate dad. In our opinion, Father's Day doesn't get as much love as Mother's Day. We go all out for mom with gifts galore and fabulous brunches but then dad gets a pair of socks. We are guilty of it too! We love our dad, he does so much for us with no questions asked.

Our Dad's Favorite - Reggae Red
He even introduced us to one of his favorite wines, Reggae Red. It's no surprise that it's his favorite. It's a fun bottle with a Reggae guy playing a congo drum. We had congo drums growing up and our dad used to play and we would dance and act silly.

It's nice to go out to dinner with our dad and enjoy a glass of wine together. We talk about everything from politics, current events, life, grandkids, business, and there are always lots of laughs in-between.

So with our dad in mind, and our husbands who are excellent fathers, we created two Father's Day wine cocktails. Make these for dad, let him kick up his feet, give him a great big hug, and tell him the world wouldn't be the same without him!

Berry Good Dad
Sparkling Red Wine ... We chose Stella Rose
Jack Daniel's Honey Whiskey
Frozen berries

Pour chilled sparking red wine into a glass - filling 1/2 of the glass
Add 1 shot of whiskey
Add 1/3 cup frozen berries

Dashing Dad Shooter
Tito's Vodka
Semi-Sweet Wine .. We chose St. James White

Fill a mixer with ice
Pour 1 part vodka
2 parts wine
1 part lemonade
Shake all the ingredients until combined
Pour into shot glasses 


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