It's Okay to Smack! - Red Wine Popsicles

It’s almost Summer and we can’t wait!  What better way to enjoy yourself during the warmer weather than making these simplistically delectable Red Wine Popsicles.  

All you need is 4 ingredients
Cran Grape Juice
Orange Juice
Red Grapes
Red Wine- We used Lambrusco because it’s light, bubbly but not too sweet
First we put 4-5 grapes in the bottom of the mold.  Afterward we filled each mold with equal parts orange juice, cran- grape juice, and finally red wine.  Last but not least stick your popsicles in the freeze for 3-4 hours.  
*If you’d like to make these kid friendly just substitute your favorite sparkling water or ginger ale in place of the wine


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