Adult Only Barbecue Sauce - Using Pinot Noir

What is Pinot Noir?
Pinot Noir wine is produced from red grapes but it is much lighter in color than other red wines. Pinot Noir flavors and aromas include roses, fruits, black cherry, berry, and currant.

What is barbecue sauce?
According to Food Product Design, new evidence that barbecued meats were enjoyed by royalty and the rich as far back as 700 B.C. The first scientifically documented proof of barbecued meat consumption comes from the tomb of King Midas (730 to 700 B.C.), ruler of an empire that stretched from today’s northern Iraq to central Turkey. In the king’s tomb, pottery food jars were found to contain food residues. These residues were found to be barbecued goat or lamb.
Tracing the history of barbecue sauces in America is difficult because there are very few barbecue sauce recipes to be found in early cookbooks.

Why We Made It!
Why not, its’ Memorial Day! What better way to try a new barbecue sauce recipe, on a Holiday!
Memorial Day is a three day weekend, so most folks eat BBQ all weekend. We love to try new recipes and we hope you enjoy this one, Wine infused barbecue sauce. This is our take on a kicked up barbecue sauce. We gathered all the ingredients from Aldi’s. This store has reasonable prices for the frugal shopper. The fun part of shopping for this recipe, was picking the wine. We chose a Pinot Noir wine from California, and it was only $7.00. Of course it’s your choice of what you prefer, you do not have to stick with Pinot Noir, or any light bodied red wine will work in this recipe. You can also add sweetness if you like! More ketchup or a pinch of sugar. We used just a pinch of sugar for our tastes. The aroma in our home; filled with the smells of olive oil, garlic, and onions made us so hungry that it gave us an excuse to sip, as we cooked! What better way to spend time with family and friends over BBQ and wine.

1 tablespoon olive oil
2 shallots diced (red onion works too)
2 garlic cloves minced
2 tablespoons chili powder
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 cup Pinot Noir or other light bodied red wine
1 cup ketchup

Heat the oil over medium low heat.
Add in the shallots and minced garlic and saute until tender
Next, add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a slight boil
Lower the heat to simmer until the sauce thickens, stirring occasionally.

We hope you and your family have a peaceful and joyed filled Memorial Day Weekend! We all have worked hard to “drink and be merry”, and why not add a little bit of Wine to your typical barbecue sauce, used for this celebrated Holiday.


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