TGIT - Scandal Party

Enter Your Email: For all you Gladiators out there, it has been too long since we've had a mind blowing, what's going to happen next episode. We have been craving our Liv and Fitz moments and of course we can't forget our riveting Poppa Pope, conniving Jake, and our demented but loving Huck! The new episode and final season will be here soon, October 5th. TGIT is our weekly holiday, and as we all know holidays require wine, food and decorations! Here are some TGIT essentials! TGIT Essentials 1 & 2: Wine & Popcorn Pop some popcorn and grab your favorite wine. This can be dinner for some or a late night snack for others. Do not feel guilty if you drink the entire bottle and eat the entire tub of popcorn, while gasping at the T.V., remember it's a holiday! If you need help finding a wine for the night, check out our 12 Wine of Christmas story for a wide range of selections. TGIT Essential 3: Decorations If inviting friends...