Vote Wine Election Party

Election Day wine party with red wine, white wine, and a wine cocktail.
With the Presidential election right around the corner, we know you are so over all the political commercials, news stories, and all the drama that comes along with a election. We know we are! Yes, the selection of our nations President is very serious business, and no matter who you are voting for, it's important to go cast your vote!

But 3 Ladies on a Vine thought of a twist to make Election Day more enjoyable. After you and your friends make the hard decision of choosing a President, a governor, and voting on state wide policies, it's time to unwind!
How to throw a wine party on election day. November 8, 2016
Ask each of your friends to either bring a red wine or a white wine. You will provide the wine glasses and the basket, so your guests can cast their vote for their favorite wine. You can also add some election themed decorations. We found these cool napkins at Total Wine that say vote wine and had the Democrat & Republican symbols on them.
Since Election Day is on a Tuesday, no one expects you to make a full spread. Just cut up some cheese and meat. We made them look fancy by adding an American Flag toothpick. Also we made red, white and blue mini fruit skewers with strawberries, marshmallows and blueberries.
Vote wine glasses at Total Wine
Also pop some popcorn. We put our popcorn in a Vote Wine cup, that we also found at Total Wine. OMG, aren't these just the cutest!
How to make a blue sparkling wine cocktail with blue curacao liqueur
If you want to add to the red, white and blue theme. You can make this super simple wine cocktail. Grab your favorite sparkling wine and blue curacao liquer. Fill your champagne glass 3/4 full and top with blue curacao. Add a lemon wedge and blueberries. Now you have the red and white wine and a festive blue cocktail

(Cake pops provided by Celebrity Pops)
Patriotic Party ideas
We hope you enjoy this Vote Wine Election Day Party. We may not all agree on who to vote for but we definitely can all agree on one thing, Vote Wine.

(Election themed chocolates provided by Celebrity Pops)

To see more photos from our Election Day shoot, please follow us on Instagram & Twitter!

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  1. Awesome ideas! Can't wait to make this cocktail on election day.

  2. One reason for this growing trend to recount election results is that Americans simply do not trust their politicians, even the ones that they personally vote into office.
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  3. In its simplest form each voter is permitted to vote for only one candidate and at the conclusion of the election the winner is determined by the candidate who has received the most votes.

  4. Variations in the character of wine may vary due to palate, colour, nose and development. High quality wines taste better if are stored properly for a long time.check


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