A Pretty & Pink Bridal Shower with Glitter Wine Bottle Decor

Bridal shower photos credit: Adeboy Photography We have great news!! One of the 3 Ladies, Niambi was recently married. A few months prior to the wedding we had the most fabulous bridal shower! All 3 Ladies were involved in the planning and decided to have the shower at Boenker Hill Winery . Bride to be Niambi in her beautiful pink dress The Theme: Pretty in Pink Niambi's favorite color is pink so we of course had to have a pretty in pink shower. We requested the guests wear pink, no matter the shade. Everyone looked gorgeous in pink. Decor: A lot of sparkle with pink and gold decor, with blinged out wine bottle centerpieces. Keep reading to learn how to make them. Special thanks to Cheri Williams for her beautiful flower centerpieces and her help decorating. The Food: Salad with strawberries and pecans, a fruit tray with grapes and berries, chicken salad sandwiches, vegetable tray, cheese ...